Several weeks after the Modern Masters frenzy has calmed down, David Schumann reevaluates the state of Modern prices and looks for recent movements.
Restoration Angel
Matthew Lewis believes the effect of Cube on ROE singles prices this go around will follow a different pattern than with ZZW queues. He compares the two formats and explains why.
Jason Alt discusses the latest self-fulfilling finance prophecies to come true of late, then jumps into decklists from GP Kansas City and SCG Worchester.
Reviewing past failures, in addition to successes, is essential for any serious speculator. Today Matthew Lewis examines a recent spec that went wrong and asks why.
The basic principle about price drops at rotation has not been borne out as expected over the last few years. Corbin Hosler examines the recent data to determine why.
Mike Lanigan looks at some interesting new decks to crop up in Standard of late.
Sébastien looks at the state of the MTGO market right as Modern Masters events are set to stop firing, and asks where cards are headed in the near term.
Ryan evolves the SCG-winning Esper list from this past weekend in Philadelphia, now complete with 100% more Augur of Bolas.
Full-on combo may not be viable in Standard right now, but Izzet Blitz does a fine impression. Mike Lanigan looks at the deck and discusses its strengths and weaknesses.
Sébastien explains how he and Jeff have recently revised their strategy regarding bots, to account for what they’ve learned over the past few weeks.
Matthew Lewis examines the cards that dodged reprinting in Modern Masters and evaluates their likelihood of reprint between now and the Fall release.
Mike Lanigan unveils a recent build of BWR Midrange, a well-positioned in the Standard metagame, and compares it with some other similar builds.
Wizards has announced the rescheduling of the Wide Beta Spotlight, with a few alterations. Matthew Lewis evaluates how this will affect the MTGO market.