For many, there’s a lot less to do nowadays thanks to COVID-19. Luckily, Magic is an excellent way to stay distracted. This week Sig shares three ways he has tapped into Magic to grind a little value and pass excess time more productively.
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Sig has been very active with ABUGames trade credit arbitrage lately. The once-defunct strategy has become live once again thanks to some recent market trends. This week Sig shares his secrets–with some time and patience, anyone can leverage this same approach to make MTG cheaper.
Obtaining trade credit when shipping buylist orders can be valuable, but finding the best way to spend it is tricky. Sig shares some specific strategies for maximizing trade credit.
We’ve all been guilty of resisting new ideas, but to do so in MTG finance is to leave money on the table. This week Sig discusses five “must-dos” for maximizing value from the hobby.
The top-moving card last week on MTG Stocks was…Revised Shivan Dragon! Why are Revised cards suddenly rising in price? Sig does some digging to find out.
A busy schedule can mean missed opportunities. Sig introduces “window shopping,” a new approach to MTG finance that’s low-risk, high-reward, and easy to do at your own pace.