The Magic World Championship showcased two known decks alongside newcomer UB Control. Brian surveys the emerging meta and considers speculation targets.
Rootbound Crag
Mike details the value in several real-life cracked boxes in the Ixalan Box Report, before covering gainers from the SCG Open weekend in Dallas.
The makeup of current Standard can tell us a lot about what to expect come rotation. Guillaume looks ahead to consider which decks will survive intact or perish horribly.
The full Commander 2016 spoiler is out. David shares his observations on cards of note and what we may glean about Wizards’ reprint practices moving forward.
Can’t choose between Burn and Collected Company for Modern? Why not play both?
Mike Lanigan looks a potent card advantage engine particularly suited to tribal decks. Is this the tool Slivers was lacking to be competitive?
Mike Lanigan surveys the last huzzah of Standard brewing before rotation, the decks to come out of Worlds weekend. He also updates Aristocrats 3.0 to address the latest changes.
Mike Lanigan discusses Mutavault’s future in Standard before turning to M14 to tweak old archetypes and brew up some brand new ones.
Magic may be one of the best games ever made, but others are out there. Mike Lanigan talks about exploring some of them at the Origins Game Fair last weekend.
Thragtusk is yet again dominating Standard. Mike Lanigan attempts to solve the format with a series of decks well-positioned against the card.
Mike Lanigan brews up a Varolz Jund deck that aims to take advantage of the new legendary scavenger. With cards like Vexing Devil and Diregraf Ghoul, it doesn’t take much to make him a monster.
When we’re in a Magic slump, it can be helpful to go back to the drawing board. Mike Lanigan explains how to challenge your own assumptions about a metagame or deck.
Ryan provides updates to his Domri Naya deck to reflect what he’s learned from playtesting for upcoming Standard PTQ’s.