Savannah Lions
Brian DeMars introduces his brainchild Magic variant, the Danger Room. He shares his current list and the philosophy behind it, before looking at Origins for new additions.
The planeswalker cycle in Origins offers some very unique new cards. Find out Ryan’s thoughts on the cycle’s viability in Constructed!
Today Mike Lanigan looks at the five double-faced planeswalkers from Magic Origins. These cards look like a doozy to evaluate for Constructed play, and he dives right in.
The new Legacy Cube update is straight-up insulting to hardcore fans of the format.
Khans of Tarkir is generating a lot of hype for the fall. Some cards are on the move based on this anticipated hype. This week Sigmund looks at the recent movers and outlines his suggested strategy based on these new prices.
Is Vintage a stale format? Scott Fielder believes there are many underplayed cards and lots of room for brewing. Today he showcases several unconventional decklists.
Post-rotation Standard begins today, and Mike Lanigan is here to tell you which new cards to expect right out the gates. Read on for his Top 10 Theros cards.
Mike Lanigan continues his examination of Theros spoilers, evaluating them for Constructed-playability and flavor.
Chad goes over Legacy and some Ravnica spoilers, filling you in on things he talked over with others at his LGS this past holiday weekend.
With the darkness or Dark Ascension closing in, now more than ever the Humans of Innistrad need a helping hand. Join Jay as he looks to beef up the Repel the Dark intro deck, featuring the up and coming Mentor of the Meek.
10 Magic players of superior skill enter a single team cube draft. How do you handle the volume without taking up an entire day? Anthony has the clever, and fun, solution of Survivor Draft!
You’ll be seeing red this week as Usman runs through part 4 of his Cube SWOT series!