A sales post for Mirage starters transported Sig back in time. What do picnic table battles in the ’90s have to do with Magic today? More than you’d realize.
Scaled Wurm
Last weekend Sig opened 3 rares in the same booster pack. Since when were rares so… common?
How do you decide what cards to keep as part of your personal collection? Today Danny Brown takes a broad view of Magic finance, asking what kind of cards make for the best long-term investments.
After missing a week taking care of his wife and newborn, Sigmund has returned with some new perspective. What is going on with the Legacy format? Has it stagnated? Sigmund polls the readers for their thoughts.
Everyone gets Deckbuilder’s Block sometimes, regardless of what formats you play. In this article, we discuss some ways to force yourself to start thinking laterally, look at things differently, and, hopefully, figure out where you want your deck to go.
Onslaught was a momentous set. The cards catered to a huge number of casual players who wanted support for their tribal decks, with support for Elves, Goblins and other, newly-ordained tribes like Soldiers and Wizards. It’s hard to believe that before Onslaught, “tribal” wasn’t really much of a term to describe the mechanic. The set had plenty for tournament players, too.