Ultimate Masters is still in full bounce back mode, and the last World Magic Cup has come to a finish. Plus, some sweet Ravnica Allegiance spoilers have hit the market so there’s gonna be a nice mix of things to talk about again in this piece. Owing to the spoilers, this might be a little […]
The post MTG Metagame Finance #24 first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Ryan played a ton of Dragons of Tarkir sealed this weekend. Take a look at the decks he played and find out what he learned about the format!
The post Insider: My DTK Prerelease first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Mike Lanigan is less than enthused about the eponymous dragons themselves in Dragons of Tarkir, but there's no shortage of exciting spoiled cards. He covers the ones that have caught his eye so far.
The post Insider: Everything But the Dragons of Tarkir first appeared on Quiet Speculation.