Tony chats with Julie, one of the regular drafters at his local game store. Julie shares her experiences with Magic and what playing the game means to her.
Sengir Vampire
Some seemingly random commons and uncommons from Magic‘s first two sets are priced surprisingly high. Sig discusses what they are and why they’re holding value.
Cards tend to break down into “tiers” of value, based on the formats they’re played in. Brian explains how this theory can inform potential picks in the Old School format.
A card like Black Knight might not seem exciting, but if it’s an Alpha copy it will still hold value. Brian considers what we may be missing in the earlier sets of the game.
Julian Biondillo looks at an interesting deck in Modern that has been around for a while but stays mostly off the radar–mono-black Eight Rack.
How do you decide what cards to keep as part of your personal collection? Today Danny Brown takes a broad view of Magic finance, asking what kind of cards make for the best long-term investments.