Which packs should you be opening right now and which should you avoid? When choosing your prizes for local gaming store tournaments, make sure you get the best return and learn what Chad found from running the hard numbers on all Standard legal boosters.
Shrine of Burning Rage
Bloodline Keeper in Standard? Mike Lanigan shows you how and why.
Mike takes a shocking look at the applications of red in standard.
What does the world of Commander do in Standard? A surprising 4-color Tezzeret deck!
Patrick McGregor slings some MTGO tips, opening the door to the best way of entering the MTGO market.
Mike breaks down Wolf Run Red and Green and explains why neither is what he’ll be running this Friday.
Mike Lanigan breaks down the deck he took to the Grudge Match and how he did at the tournament.
Based on recent releases, Jay looks at what we might expect for the precons coming up for Innistrad.
Joshua takes one last look at the pre-ban format, then focuses on the new Standard, discovering that a surprising card may end up defining the format.