This week Ryan riffs on some of the theories behind land count and attempts to go deep on his love of the 27th.
Siege-Gang Commander
Carlos ports the classic budget contender, mono-red burn, to the world of ninety-nine cards and proves firebreathing can be cheap and effective in Commander too.
Cavern of Souls is going to redefine many formats, prepare for the move before everyone else figures it out.
Uriah of CMDRDecks has a submitted a sweet Goblins Wort deck for suggestions. Can Carlos find some ways to push the themes and make the deck go bigger?
This week Carlos Gutierrez takes a turn toward the macabre. Dead creatures are everywhere, and Kresh and Company are right in the middle of the Morbid mess!
Tired of the same silly peanut butter spread for your Commander sandwich? Try the velvety Nutella that is an underused commander!
10 Magic players of superior skill enter a single team cube draft. How do you handle the volume without taking up an entire day? Anthony has the clever, and fun, solution of Survivor Draft!
Commander and tribal decks don’t mix, right? See what Robert says about finding your spirit animal (favorite creature type) and going to town with your favorite friends small or large!
Sometimes, decks have a pretty solid theme and plan. When you’re building the Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician deck you know it’s going to be both a burning blade of doom and gooey pile of in-your-own-face explosions. See what Carlos has been cooking with for for weeks!
Doug tackles the back half of Onslaught this week. Find out the best cards to make money on, from a tribal Crusade to a hungry, hungry Baloth!