Siege Rhino
Ryan explores the impact of the new dual lands in Standard, providing an outline for four-color manabases and introducing an insane brew.
It’s that time again! Chaz starts his financial evaluation of Battle for Zendikar, starting with a list of each mythic by tier and an explanation for his thoughts.
The new set is fully spoiled and Mike Lanigan is ready with his Top 10. These are the cards that will impact Standard the most, so don’t miss out on the action!
Brian believes several cards in BFZ are bucking the presale trend and actually represent good value at current prices. He goes over each pick and explains his reasoning.
Doug Linn tries to get a bead on the new format by examining the outgoing class. What can we learn from this last week of Standard?
With much of Battle for Zendikar already spoiled, it’s time to look critically at post-rotation Standard. Ryan dives in and highlights a few cards that may get a boost in the new environment.
David Schumann breaks down a full list of his specs in the Modern format, with an explanation of his logic in picking them up and the results so far.
Ryan looks back to early price trends from Khans of Tarkir in preparation for Battle for Zendikar. Can we draw some parallels between the two sets?
Julian shares the latest version of his first Commander deck, based around Karador, Ghost Chieftain.
Everyone’s abuzz about the Battle for Zendikar dual land cycle and “expeditions.” David Schumann looks at what we know so far and how it will impact finance.
Ryan goes over his list of cards near their floor from Dragons and Origins. These cards are powerful enough to make a splash in Standard, even if they haven’t found a home yet.