Brian keeps hammering on the Old School drum, but for good reason. He explains why he thinks the format is priced to grow and where he’d look to invest.
Niels offers another glimpse into the casual mind with direct examples of card evaluation. He applies the criteria outlined in his last article to several cards from Eternal Masters.
Some Eternal Masters prices have already increased since release and now may be the time to move on key foils.
Mike provides his Box Report on Eternal Masters, with a full breakdown of all the value contained in six boxes of the new set.
David looks at the notable cards from Eternal Masters he expects to impact Commander prices, with an accompanying explanation for each.
While Volcanic Island remains expensive, Eternal Masters does actually make Legacy more accessible. Check out Ryan’s advice on strategically buying into the format.
From first foil printings to new artwork, Eternal Masters is brimming with potential value. Mike discusses where to look beyond the obvious Legacy staples.
The newly announced Eternal Masters promises to shake up the eternal market. David presents an initial analysis of the possible inclusions and what to expect from prices.
The most recent build of MTGO came with an unintended feature, and black mages are going to love it.
We’ve received little information about Vintage Masters so far, but enough to generate some hypotheses. Matthew Lewis offers some specific predictions.
David Schumann continues his series on Modern and Legacy staples, this time looking at commons and uncommons to see which are likely to get reprinted.
Master’s Edition is returning briefly to MTGO for the holiday weekend. Matthew provide all the information you need to get the most value out of these high-profile and rare sets.
Chad dissects the gainers and losers in a world where WoTC decides to ban Show and Tell.