Adam provides an extensive look at cards likely to support Golgari Grave-Troll in Modern. These cards are poised for a price increase, so don’t miss this article!
Skaab Ruinator
David Schumann gears up for the end of the year with a recap of his financial takeaways from 2014. These are most important lessons he learned, which he intends to apply moving forward.
Alexander Carl takes a look at some common speculation mistakes and what we can learn from them to improve our returns.
Corbin Hosler checks in with his set review of Journey Into Nyx to see how his predictions fared this go-around.
MTG Investing has a balance, and sometimes we can’t have it all. But knowing which factors are most important to you will ensure your experience will be fulfilling.
David Schumann examines some specs from the past that failed to pan out, asking why they failed and what to avoid in the future.
Vintage is coming to MTGO this summer by means of Vintage Masters. Sylvain Lehoux picks some Vintage staples that may rise as a result.
The constant barrage of buying opportunities makes it easy to succumb to hype and make baseless speculations. Sigmund highlights the one action you should always take before investing in cards.
Jason suggests keeping abreast of the metagame may provide a lot of insight into speculation targets, then (conveniently) covers decks from the weekend.
Jason Alt calls attention to the new subreddit dedicated to MTG finance, describes his approach to Gatecrash spoiler season, and checks himself out for the new year.
Finding himself in a reflective mood this week, Matthew Lewis considers the ways in which he can improve as a speculator and offers up a few resolutions for the new year.
This week Jason Alt muses on finance and retrospect alike, shows off some killer alters and dissects the SCG Invitational results.
Mike discusses the general impact Ravnica is likely to have on Standard deck construction, and reviews some (charming) cards that have been spoiled.