Ryan recounts his experience playing Standard this past weekend at the SCG in Wisconsin.
TL: DR; You probably just pack a lot of burn and hope for the best. There. You don’t even need to read this article now.
Ryan breaks down two PTQ experiences he recently had with his Standard Burn deck.
Ryan points his spells to the dome with an update of his Standard Burn deck.
Play mistakes in Magic are about as common as Magic players themselves. Mike Lanigan breaks down the different types and some tips to improve your game.
Danny analyzes the progression of Event Decks throughout their relatively short life span, in an attempt to gain insight regarding their financial significance.
Ryan adapts to the new Standard format by exploring a new flavor of R/w: Burn.
This week Jason Alt questions the ancient maxim “better lucky than good” and dissects results from the first week of new Standard.
Mike Lanigan runs back his Aristocrats 3.0 deck from last week for a TCG Bronze event and makes finals again. Read on for the report.
Jason Alt discusses the latest self-fulfilling finance prophecies to come true of late, then jumps into decklists from GP Kansas City and SCG Worchester.
Mike Lanigan looks at some interesting new decks to crop up in Standard of late.
Thragtusk is yet again dominating Standard. Mike Lanigan attempts to solve the format with a series of decks well-positioned against the card.
Mike Lanigan surveys the recent field of tier-one Standard decks and suggests Gruul Midrange as a possible contender.