Ryan’s arm has been twisted enough for him to give. He has a Tiny Leaders decklist and he’s ready to battle!
Spell Crumple
Carlos breaks from business as usual to tackle a Commander deck built for one vs. one. Read on to find out how Edric can dominate in this popular Commander variant.
Carlos continues the theme of expanding on other people’s Commander decks, this time bringing us some flashback action with Dralnu, Lich Lord.
Neale polishes off the competitive commanders, and opens the floor for Azuza lists! Think you have the most savage green machine?
Neale’s back with the biggest and baddest decks ever to stack up to 99 cards! Today’s competitive Commander deck update featuress Jhoria, Azami, Zur, and more!
If you give a man a fish, he eats for a day. If you teach a man to build a budget fish deck, he wins Commander games for the rest of his life. You know Carlos is bringing the heat with Sygg!
Carlos brings CawBlade to Commander. Can this be a cacophony of cool, or a catastrophic calamity? Come check it out!
Ryan wraps up his week-long Commander series with a recap of prices, closing out with notable reprints and some value projections. If wheeling and dealing Commander boxes is your game, let Ryan’s advice weigh in for you!
Ryan is an invested player who loves to look at the financial side of the Commander format. Join him on a five-day journey through the recent Commander deck release, finding the gems, winners, and loser across every level of the set!
The difference between this week and next is several tons of forged, animated metal. This week has some insight into the new Commander decks and some open calls for your thoughts. Jump in before the might foot of Bosh closes upon you!