Ryan made the finals of an 84 person Modern tournament this weekend with Delver, and has a tournament report and thoughts on the format to share.
Spell Snare
The April 4 unbans have all eyes on the new toys for control archetypes, but Sheridan is here to remind you to stay aggressive, proactive, and linear in Modern.
Sometimes cards limp off the banlist, and other times they explode. Check out Ryan’s thoughts on the new face of Modern after the latest B&R changes!
Shadows over Innistrad spoilers start today, and Modern already has two exciting new cards. Today, Sheridan explores Archangel Avacyn and Thing in the Ice in Modern.
Chaz introduces the concept of Eternal, the newly proposed format that has become a community-driven project to solve the problems of Modern and Legacy.
Ryan Hipp took Blue Moon to an impressive Top 4 finish at SCG Regionals. Check out his build, and thoughts on the deck going forward!
Looking for a way to beat Eldrazi without playing a hyper-aggressive or gimmicky deck? How does Spreading Seas Control sound to you?
Mike sifts through the archetypes that battled through the Eldrazi-infested metagame to a positive finish at the Pro Tour. Could one of these decks dethrone the Eldrazi menace?
For budget-conscious players the recent bannings may have struck a big blow, but you don’t have to quit Modern! Mike explains how to convert Twin and Amulet Bloom into new decks with a few key investments.
The “100 Tix, 1 Year” project has come to an end. After a year of sharing MTGO specs with readers, Sylvain reviews the project and evaluates the final result in this concluding article.
From the RPTQ results two weeks ago to GP Pittsburgh’s Top 8, Modern is showcasing a diverse and healthy metagame. Doug surveys the Top 8 and offers his insight.
If you think Magic would be better if you took all the turns, this might be the Modern deck for you.
The new Jace is the hottest breakout card on the MTG market, but it’s not all Standard hype. Jace is just realizing his Modern potential and the ceiling is high on this powerful planeswalker.