
Sphinx of Jwar Isle

With CawBlade in its recent incarnations gone the metagame is seemingly wide open.  Any number of archetypes can claim to be the new top dog, and the viability of many cards goes up without the fear of a Jace making them irrelevant or a turn three Batterskull attacking too quickly for them to come online.  Until some tournament results come in to fill in the gaps any talk about the new metagame will be little more than an educated guess, but we can still know questions need to be answered.

There was a time when this deck was flying under the radar (well, as much as arguably the strongest deck from last season can really do) and the best reason to bring in a card like Kiln Fiend or Frost Titan was that your opponent simply sideboarded out their removal for game 2! This would also put your hapless opponent in a difficult decision for game 3 […]

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