Paper Magic tournaments are going to come back someday post-pandemic, which will undoubtedly lead to an increase in paper Magic card prices. Modern especially seems like a format prime for price increases, and today Joe takes a look at three more popular decks from the Modern meta that are full of prime speculation targets.
Spike Feeder
David revisits Iconic Masters, now with full knowledge of the set list. How much can we expect the major reprints to drop in price, and where will they settle?
FNM promos are dead; long live FNM promos. Mike’s produced the comprehensive breakdown of every FNM promo ever printed. Check it out!
Matthew Lewis presents the MTGO Market Report for this week, evaluating important events in the online market and highlighting a “trade of the week.”
Mike headed to GP Detroit last weekend to partake in the much-maligned Eldrazi Winter. Hear how his tournament went and his thoughts on the Modern format.
Mike sifts through the archetypes that battled through the Eldrazi-infested metagame to a positive finish at the Pro Tour. Could one of these decks dethrone the Eldrazi menace?