Spiteful Returned
With Khans fully integrated into the Standard environment, it’s time to sleeve up and test out the newest decks in tournament mode. Ryan reflects on his experience with Black Beatdown this past weekend and proposes a new direction for it.
Adam studied financial trends, articles, and social media to reach this list of sleepers with rising stock this post-rotation Standard season. Keep an eye on them, because they could easily be the next big thing.
Mike Lanigan looks at the leading contenders in the brand new Khans Standard. You can expect to face off against these decks in the early weeks, so don’t come unprepared.
With all the information on Khans of Tarkir completely available, Ryan takes a serious look at Standard and examines which decks will be surviving rotation, and which cards will fit the lists.
With the upcoming release of Khans of Tarkir, Standard will lose the bulk of its current card pool. Adam outlines which strategies are expected to stick around, what cards may see a rise in popular, and how you can prepare and profit from the rotation.
Conley came up with an awesome list for the Pro Tour!
Ryan launches into another round of spoilers, focusing on a few key cards, including one innocuous-looking 2-drop you might have overlooked.