Adam takes a look at the new post-Treasure Cruise, post-Birthing Pod, Fate Reforged Modern metagame by using data from last weekend’s SCG Modern Premier IQ.
Splinter Twin
Broken deck is broken.
Check in with the MTGO Market Report compiled by Sylvain Lehoux and Matthew Lewis. This week we see some initial movements in response to the unbannings as the Modern metagame establishes itself.
Following the shockwave of last week’s banlist announcement a lot will happen for MTGO speculators in February, including a Pro Tour, a Modern MOCS season and Fate Reforged release events. Sylvain tells us how to get ready.
It’s possible this is the best deck in the Legacy Cube. What do you think?
The Modern bans are certain to have sweeping effects on the format, and likewise on prices. Corbin surveys the winners and losers and recommends what to target in the lead-up to the Modern Pro Tour in February.
Ryan reflects on his experience with Izzet Delver at Grand Prix Omaha, which may or may not have been his last hurrah with Treasure Cruise.
Ryan has had mixed results with Lightning Helix in Modern, but that doesn’t mean he’s about to give up on the tempo strategy. Find out his thoughts on the optimal build for Modern Delver in the current meta.
Modern Masters 2015 is official, but little is known at the moment except for the included sets. According to Sylvain, this information is worth as much as the spoiler list of MM2015 from a speculative standpoint–take advantage of it now!
With the likely banning of Treasure Cruise, where should we be looking in Modern for profit opportunities? This week Derek examines which cards are likely to see a resurgence.
Ryan is excited that Delver is finally a tier one strategy in Modern. Find out what he thinks might be the best version of the deck and what his thoughts are as Grand Prix Omaha approaches!