Khans of Tarkir has made its impact felt in eternal formats, and Modern is no exception. Mike Lanigan surveys the decklists from GP: Madrid to see how Modern is evolving to incorporate the new cards.
Splinter Twin
Shock land spreads have been dropping lately. Here’s what you need to know.
Most Modern staples have reached a seasonal dip and good opportunities are everywhere. Sylvain discusses conventional and unconventional choices to build your Modern portfolio before PT Fate Reforged.
Jason Alt continues last week’s discussion of Commander 2014. While he doesn’t put much stock in comparisons to Mind Seize, he does believe some future value is contained in the product.
Corbin Hosler has been waiting for the “next catalyst” of Modern prices to arrive, and the fetchlands certainly fit the bill. He discusses what to expect and how to react.
Ryan missed the boat on Treasure Cruise, but now’s the time to explore the full potential of the delve mechanic. Find out his thoughts on why delve will impact every constructed format!
Each week we review what went on behind the QS Insider curtain. It’s a great way to see what you might be missing if you’re not a subscriber, and a great way to get caught up if you are!
With Khans of Tarkir approaching, Modern cards as a whole are expecting to lose about 20% of their value. Sylvain advocates selling most of your Modern positions to keep the cash flowing and invest in other incoming opportunities.
Corbin Hosler has been waiting for the “next catalyst” of Modern prices to arrive, and the fetchlands certainly fit the bill. He discusses what to expect and how to react.
Adam Yurchick reports on the hottest deck in the game, Burn, which has been putting up uncharacteristically impressive showings in both Modern and Legacy.
Today Mike Lanigan looks at underplayed Modern cards. These cards are undeniably powerful, but for whatever reason have yet to catch on. Mike makes the case for jamming them in decks and picking some up as specs.
Ryan lays down a few key premises to the current Modern format and brews a new list meant to take advantage of this landscape.
The two most powerful one-mana cantrips in Modern are banned. They seem innocuous enough at first glance, so why are they illegal?