
Sprite Dragon

The month after a new set release is always an exciting time in the 5-0 dumps: full of churn, upheaval, and of course, ideas! In these periods, players are far less concerned with identifying metagame direction and innovating solutions to emerging trends; indeed, attempting to do so this early might prove a fool’s errand anyway. […]

Earlier this month, we saw the early effects of the companion nerf, especially as they affected Yorion decks. Players have since transitioned away from companions for the most part, with some exceptions, as we’ll get to. Today, we’ll look at ten more spicy strategies to emerge from Modern’s rebuilding. Deck-to-Table Grassroots as brewing can be, […]

“Comp-letely Nuts,” or the apparent consensus surrounding Ikoria’s flagship mechanic. Two weeks back, we looked at the interesting new decks popping up using companion, because why wouldn’t they? Today, we’ll explore the rest of May’s entrants in a final goodbye to companion in Modern as we know it. Mo’ Mana, Mo’ Problems You of anyone […]

Things have certainly changed since the last brew report, which reflected April’s decklists pre-companion. Post-, it would appear that Lurrus of the Dream Den is Modern’s new poster-boy, and alongside it Mishra’s Bauble, which is seeing widespread play in everything from Delver to Rock to UW Control. Today, we’ll look at some of the wild […]

Alright Magic world, it’s time to screech to even more of a halt: it’s spoiler time again. That means you, Timmy and Tammy! Particularly you, since this set is tailor made to your preferences, they being giant monsters and the making thereof. The pickings are a bit thinner for Spike this time around, but that’s fine […]

As starved as many are for distractions in this day and age, distractions also abound, and got the better of me this time. Like a silent, scaled predator, this set crept up on me. I had to double-check if Ikoria, Lair of Behemoths was even slated to be sanctioned in Modern. Wait a minute… Behemoths? […]

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