Ryan is lukewarm on investing in “no Reserved List” Eternal, but has some ideas on how to remedy the proposed format’s problems. It all boils down to presentation.
Steam Vents
Chaz introduces the concept of Eternal, the newly proposed format that has become a community-driven project to solve the problems of Modern and Legacy.
Ryan Hipp took Blue Moon to an impressive Top 4 finish at SCG Regionals. Check out his build, and thoughts on the deck going forward!
Ryan is sick of losing to Eldrazi, so he decided to give the deck a try. Spoiler alert, he won a lot of matches with the deck.
Looking for a way to beat Eldrazi without playing a hyper-aggressive or gimmicky deck? How does Spreading Seas Control sound to you?
Mike sifts through the archetypes that battled through the Eldrazi-infested metagame to a positive finish at the Pro Tour. Could one of these decks dethrone the Eldrazi menace?
When it comes to Modern right now, Ryan likes Lightning Bolt a lot. He provides a detailed overview of the metagame and explains his choice for Regionals.
Discrepancies between different versions of the same card can tell us a lot about their future. Today David looks at Expedition prices and compares them to the original foils.
Steve Horton continues his series on PucaTrade with some more advanced techniques. These resources will help you get the maximum value out of the Magic trading platform.
You can still die on turn four in Modern, but with Twin gone it’s far more likely you’ll know when it’s safe to tap out. Ryan believes this change fundamentally impacts the playability of many cards.
For budget-conscious players the recent bannings may have struck a big blow, but you don’t have to quit Modern! Mike explains how to convert Twin and Amulet Bloom into new decks with a few key investments.
With the full set of Oath of the Gatewatch Expeditions spoiled, it’s time to start considering their financial footprint. Mike breaks down the whole cycle and offers predictions on the value of each.
Always looking to stay ahead of the curve, Chaz is gearing up for Spring rotation. He discusses some fundamentals and a few picks, before providing his thoughts on the Expeditions.