
Steppe Lynx

Starms a-comin’ in. You know, Modern Horizons 2? As usual, though, Modern players aren’t content to just sit around and wait for the new cards. They’re as busy as ever creating, tuning, and tweaking new creations! Today, we’ll look at a couple of notable developments this month: the propagation of tech from UR Prowess and […]

Zendikar Rising spoilers are officially underway! That also means summer is ending… but what great outdoor plans did we have that weren’t ruined by a global pandemic anyway? There’s never been a better time to forget about real-life exploration and lock ourselves inside to peruse new cards at a glowing computer screen! Flip Top Rising’s […]

Deep in the Modern annals lies a deck called Boremandos. This deck was the format’s first to feature Delver of Secrets, and was wildly successful in its heyday. It paired Delver with Steppe Lynx, Remand, and a hearty dose of burn spells to gently disrupt opponents and kill them quickly, and eventually inspired the blueprint […]

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