With less than half of Khans of Tarkir spoiled, the future of Standard is starting to shape up and the key players have potentially already made their appearance. This week Ryan continues to flesh out the format and identifies currently legal cards you should have in your collection.
Stoke the Flames
Adam Yurchick covers some Khans spoilers, looking beyond the fetchlands and gold cards towards the single-colored staples that will help define the Standard format for years to come.
With the upcoming release of Khans of Tarkir, Standard will lose the bulk of its current card pool. Adam outlines which strategies are expected to stick around, what cards may see a rise in popular, and how you can prepare and profit from the rotation.
Mike Lanigan surveys the new decks to come from the Pro Tour, as well as the price changes in key cards as we near rotation.
Red decks have been the talk of the tournament today. Zac Hill and Marshall Sutcliffe dissected this particular archetype, which revolves around a new M15 card!
Danny gives a quick breakdown on the common and uncommon red removal spells in M15 Limited.
It’s time for the M15 set review! Mike Lanigan breaks down his picks for the top ten Standard cards from the new core set, with analysis of how they’ll impact the established decks and metagame.
Looking to gain the upper hand in your M15 Limited matchups? Danny goes over the instant-speed spells with convoke that may just be waiting to blow you out.
Today Mike Lanigan wraps up his review of M15 for Standard and Constructed playability, covering red, black, colorless and gold cards.