Mike Lanigan presents his latest brew for Modern: a port of the old Aristocrats deck, replete with Chord of Calling and the Melira combo. Lastly he covers a few notable cards that are inching up in price.
Stony Silence
Each week, we review what went on behind the QS Insider curtain. It’s a great way to see what you might be missing if you’re not a subscriber, and a great way to get caught up if you are!
Adam shares the new Modern deck and explains the card choices that all-time great Guillame Wafo-Tapo played to a cash finish at last weekend’s Grand Prix!
Adam shares his Modern metagame analysis and predictions, including what you should have prepared in your sideboard, just in time for Grand Prix Boston !
Adam shares results from resent Japanese Modern tournaments and explores a Modern deck list that might be ahead of the curve.
With a few M15 spoilers out, Ryan takes an early survey of the post-RtR Standard environment and highlights some exciting options for the future.
Standard rotation brings many prices to their lowest. Through some examples of his Nine Months of Portfolio Management series, Sylvain exposes which cards are likely to constitute good investments when fall comes.
Mike Lanigan breaks down the Modern Event Deck, discussing what’s financially relevant and the modifications that will be required to make it playable in Modern tournaments.
The Vintage Masters card list came out on Friday. What did we learn? Are there still opportunities for profit? Alexander Carl walks us through some options.
Dylan Beckham summarizes his impressions of the current state of Modern and mentions five sideboard staples to watch this season.
Magic Online’s Player of the Year and 24th place finisher at PT:Atlanta brews up a Midrange Gifts deck that puts up good results. The list could be tweaked in a dozen different directions–can you find a good improvement to it?
Vintage Masters has already been a wild ride so far. As the spoilers roll in, what can you do to protect and grow your portfolio?
Adam breaks down the winning decklist from the Modern Bazaar of Moxen 2014, and he teaches how to properly sideboard against the format! Print out this visual sideboarding guide and bring it to your next event–Modern season is upon us!