Today Alexander Carl interviews Vintage guru Stephen Menendian! Read on for their discussion of the impending release of Vintage Masters and the future of the format online.
Stony Silence
Sylvain unveils the groundwork to his recent MTGO portfolio management experiment. What did he do with thousands of tix?
Dylan Beckham believes Loxodon Smiter is uniquely positioned in Modern right now. Read on for his new build of Jund sporting the elephant.
Ryan breaks down and tweaks the Modern UR Delver list in preparation for GP Minneapolis in a few weeks.
The Modern sideboard has a lot of room for flex. Adam outlines his favorite overlooked options for the format and identifies a few you may want to consider.
How do you put a sideboard together that answers all of Modern’s metagame? By focusing on general answers, not specific bullets – and Adam shows you how with Green Urzatron today.
The Magic Online 2013 Player of the Year demonstrates how to play this deck first-hand in four rounds of MTGO videos, talking through each game state play-by-play. There’s no better way to learn than from watching the best.
Our resident Pro Tour competitor and sideboarding expert once again demonstrates the true “INS” and “OUTS” of the popular Modern Affinity deck in an easy-to-follow visual sideboarding guide.
The 2013 MTGO Player of the Year explains how to play and sideboard with this Modern control deck. Includes a Visual Sideboarding Guide!
Identifying “unplayable” cards with Modern potential can yield high returns if they ever break out. Sylvain Lehoux picks ten junk rares with promise.
“Affinity loses to cards, not decks.” What does that even mean? Find out as Ryan takes the plunge into learning the in’s and out’s of Modern Affinity deck in preparation for GP: Minneapolis.