Brian surveys the state of the Modern market, offering his thoughts on recent spikes and the future of the format. He closes with five cards to pick up with an eye to gains.
Stony Silence
Brian believes 2016 will be a banner year for Modern. Hear his predictions for the coming year in which the format will enjoy greater support from SCG and WotC.
Wizards recently announced Stoneforge Mystic as the 2016 GP promo. Could this herald a potential unbanning in Modern? Sheridan breaks the evidence down.
Mike attended GP Pittsburgh last weekend, both to compete and hit up the dealer booths. He shares his experiences as well as a few financial tidbits.
PT Pittsburgh will be the talk of Modern for the next few weeks, and the obvious candidates are already getting screen time. Sheridan highlights a few winners you might have missed at first glance.
From the RPTQ results two weeks ago to GP Pittsburgh’s Top 8, Modern is showcasing a diverse and healthy metagame. Doug surveys the Top 8 and offers his insight.
Matthew Lewis and Sylvain Lehoux present the MTGO Market Report for this week, discussing major price trends and recommending specific cards to buy and sell.
The first wave of Modern RPTQ data is in, and we’re already seeing some interesting trends. Read on for two Modern spec targets Sheridan is excited about.
The way you prepare for a large event can have big implications for your competitive and financial success alike. Mike discusses some important details that may be easy to overlook.
Matthew Lewis and Sylvain Lehoux present the MTGO Market Report for this week, discussing major price trends and recommending specific cards to buy and sell.
Matthew Lewis and Sylvain Lehoux present the MTGO Market Report for this week, discussing major price trends and recommending specific cards to buy and sell.
Matthew Lewis and Sylvain Lehoux present the MTGO Market Report for this week, discussing major price trends and recommending specific cards to buy and sell.
Matthew Lewis and Sylvain Lehoux present the MTGO Market Report for this week, discussing major price trends and recommending specific cards to buy and sell.