Storm Seeker
With newer formats, a card’s value is highly correlated to its playability. This isn’t always the case with cards from Magic‘s earliest sets, as evidenced by recent buyouts.
Sigmund spends a lot of time shopping around for deals on Old School cards. This week he shares his strategies for buying key collectibles while trying not to break the bank.
Brian DeMars introduces his brainchild Magic variant, the Danger Room. He shares his current list and the philosophy behind it, before looking at Origins for new additions.
What if you could play hundreds of the best cards in Magic and not worry about mana? Isn’t it cool to think about drawing off the top of a giant deck and playing what comes up?
The Danger Room is a new way to play Magic. It uses a shared box of cards, meaning that you can play it with everyone, and it is very simple to learn.