Prices have been on a roller coaster ride during the Modern Masters online release weekend, presenting many opportunities. Sébastien and Jeff cover all the rares they are buying.
Summoner’s Pact
Modern Masters is flying off the shelves, with supply likely to wane soon. David Schumann asks what cards to pull out of binders during this window of opportunity.
The recent spoiling of Beck//Call has already impacted Modern prices and is sure to make more waves. Corbin discusses which cards are still ripe to benefit.
David Schumann describes some playable Legacy cards that only get a little love, but with the right circumstances could jump to tier-one status.
In the third episode of his mono-colored budget series, Carlos tackles green, the least budget-friendly color of them all.
Corbin Hosler breaks down the price changes to Modern staples since the turn of the year, delivering some interesting results!
Corbin Hosler breaks down some of the Modern cards you’ll want to stock to prepare for the upcoming PTQ season!
Eventide is packed with some expensive casual and tournament cards. The set contains many enemy-colored cards, from Lieges to filter-lands. The power of the lands, along with Reflecting Pool and the Vivid cycle, let people play essentially anything they wanted in decks.
Corbin Hosler breaks down both the obvious pickups and the sleepers in Modern as Worlds approaches!
Hello and welcome back to the weekly set retrospective! This week, we will take a look at the second half of Future Sight, a set so full of money cards that I had to split up the analysis! Let’s dive in!
Dissension, the third (and chronically-misspelled) set in Ravnica, showcased the remaining three guilds. We were introduced to the hellbent Rakdos, the gene-splicing Simic and the board-stalling Azorius guilds. Ravnica block is good for a couple money rares, but it didn’t go as casually deep as I thought it would when I first thought about the block. Dissension has a few nice tournament staples aside from the obvious shocklands – let’s take a look at the set!
Stephen Moss takes a look at all of his modern hopefuls and analyzes where he made you money.