Derek introduces the concept of the Compost Box and digs through a box of bets to see which have panned out and which haven’t.
Summoning Trap
Jason Alt plumbs the meager information we’ve received on Modern Masters 2015 to make some educated guesses about possible inclusions. We know two cards already and we know it’s a Limited-first set, which already tells us a lot.
There were two MTG finance headlines from SCG Indy last weekend. Sigmund was astonished to find a vendor using Amazon pricing, but story that was trumped by the fake duals circulating through trade binders. Read on for Sigmund’s take.
Many cards have been on the move lately, and it seems like the winter swoon is indeed over. But not everything is rebounding. This week Sigmund explores which cards are worth holding for more profit and which should be let go… even at a loss!
David Schumann breaks down the hot cards to come out of Pro Tour Khans of Tarkir. If you missed any of the action this weekend, be sure to catch up!
Adam Yurchick covers some Khans spoilers, looking beyond the fetchlands and gold cards towards the single-colored staples that will help define the Standard format for years to come.
Mike shares a recent brew of his combining Jund with elements of Boss Naya from years ago, notably the machine gun kill of Staticaster plus Nightshade Peddler.
Doug Linn speculates on a few off the wall ideas for modern brewers.
Neale Talbot continues his series on how to build a better mono-green commander deck.
This week Stephen covers a few topics, with a recap of cards that will get a boost, how to get rid of them, and 4 cards from the new set he really likes.