Paul goes over the concept of a competitive metagame, focusing on the changing landscape of Modern and how it applies to Magic finance.
Surgical Extraction
My last article was about Scourge of the Skyclaves… and it still opened by acknowledging that Modern’s general narrative currently revolves around Uro, Titan of Nature’s Wrath. Yes, Uro is everywhere, and Modern players seem up on the fact that it’s incredibly strong—if they aren’t playing it, they’re finding ways to beat it, or more […]
Sam’s back from his hiatus to analyze the post-ban landscape! Find out what he’s been up to, and where he finds himself in the current Magic market.
Traders and MTG Finance players normally see buying bulk as a waste of time and resources. Join Brady Harrison in his QS debut as he explains why bulk is one of the few untapped markets in MTG Finance, and how you can successfully buy and sell bulk.
With Mythic Championship II in the books, Chris takes a look at the decks that benefited from the London Mulligan, and their key cards he’s considering as specs.
In Pat’s debut article for QS, he discusses the broad differences between short- and long-term specs, how to identify trends before spikes, and closes with a few predictions.
In September 2017, Sig wrote an Insider piece highlighting the financial benefits of participating in the QS Insider Discord. This week Sig returns to the article with updated commentary.
With the release of Modern Horizons looming, Wizards announced no changes to the Banned & Restricted list. Christopher looks at the cards that stand to gain right now.
It’s easy to get distracted by the constant news and rumors surrounding Magic. Sig shares three simple rules to help you remain focused and avoid sinking excess time into Magic finance.
David does a cross-store comparison of retail prices for three formats to see where the best trade-in values lie.
With several high-profile Legacy events on the horizon, Christopher is looking to format staples for growth. He lays out his reasoning and the current best targets.
Modern Horizons is sure to have a profound impact on Modern. Today Sig shares his perspective on card prices, potential reprints, and good places to speculate through spoiler season.