What does the uber-expensive Magic: 30th Anniversary Edition spell for the future of reprints, proxies, and the Reserved List? David S. brings a hot take!
Survival of the Fittest
David S. has played Magic for 25 years, but has collected various cards for almost 30 years. Today, he shares some life lessons he’s learned along the way.
Quiet Speculation welcomes Mauro Acerenza to the team with his first article on transitioning from competitive Modern player to Reserved List investor.
With in-store play coming back all across the country, Kai examines the importance of Judge Promos, and why they are likely to gain newfound interest soon.
David revisits an old article on Card Evaluation, Reserved List buyouts, and FOMO, and reminds us of some of the basics to adhere to when picking specs.
Enough warning can never be given when it comes to counterfeits–they will always be a risk to Magic economy’s health. By being more savvy when shopping for high-end cards, and avoiding certain traps, one can avoid much of the counterfeit risk that haunts Magic.
Join Sam on his deep dive to get the best bang for your buck on the tournament floor! A few simple tips make grinding much easier on your wallet.
Ice Age isn’t exactly known for its endless value. Just because there are no $100 cards in the set doesn’t mean its terrible to pick through. This week Sig shares his appreciation for Ice Age and highlights why its bulk may be worth more than it seems.