Fresh off his prerelease, Danny offers the insights he’s garnered concerning Theros thus far.
Mike Lanigan recaps his experience at Grand Prix Detroit playing Grixis Delver in the ever-diverse Modern metagame.
Mike Lanigan surveys the last huzzah of Standard brewing before rotation, the decks to come out of Worlds weekend. He also updates Aristocrats 3.0 to address the latest changes.
Mike Lanigan discusses Mutavault’s future in Standard before turning to M14 to tweak old archetypes and brew up some brand new ones.
Magic may be one of the best games ever made, but others are out there. Mike Lanigan talks about exploring some of them at the Origins Game Fair last weekend.
Mike Lanigan unveils a recent build of BWR Midrange, a well-positioned in the Standard metagame, and compares it with some other similar builds.
Mike Lanigan weighs in on availability of Modern Master’s and the recently-announced rule changes, then provides an update of his B/W Zombies list.
Thragtusk is yet again dominating Standard. Mike Lanigan attempts to solve the format with a series of decks well-positioned against the card.
Mike Lanigan takes two popular Standard decks and mashes them together, peanut-butter-and-chocolate-like. Read on for the resulting brew.
Mike Lanigan brews up a Varolz Jund deck that aims to take advantage of the new legendary scavenger. With cards like Vexing Devil and Diregraf Ghoul, it doesn’t take much to make him a monster.
Mike Lanigan surveys the recent field of tier-one Standard decks and suggests Gruul Midrange as a possible contender.
Mike Lanigan reports on his day-two tournament finish last weekend at the GP in his hometown of Pittsburgh, covering both Gatecrash Sealed and Draft.
This year’s Modern season departs with one last huzzah, GP San Diego. Mike Lanigan looks over decklists and discusses the last-minute developments.