
Sword of Body and Mind

Being full of gas can be a bad thing but not in Commander! In this format the best of us run out of gas, miss land drops, and topdeck nothing but duds all game. This week David hits card advantage in Commander and how different types of card draw fulfill very different roles.

Don’t get me wrong, I do love the financial content to death and literally read every financial article I can get my hands on anywhere on The Internet, but we need an actual way to deal with the rising price of Magic cards. How can we actually stop focusing on the problem and figure out a workable answer? Well, I have it for you today. For the past year I have been playing competitive magic on a budget, playing top-tier decks, and doing it with almost no money. You’re still with me, right? Good.

I am an Aggro player at heart. Since this is my first article, I thought I’d start things off with an Aggro deck that seems like it can float under the radar with your current meta. It’s a Green and Red Aggro deck… I was working on a similar list, but since that was put on the shelf for now, I will work within what I call a “development list phase.”

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Quiet Speculation