Ryan continues this week’s coverage of Khans of Tarkir with the Sultai Brood and the mono-black cards. Will this shard have an impact on Standard and demonstrate financial relevance? Read on to find out.
Sylvan Caryatid
Jason Alt continues the coverage of Khans of Tarkir, with the Temur Frontier and the mono-green cards. What shows promise and what is overrated? Read on to find out.
With Khans of Tarkir fully spoiled, Adam reviews the constructed-relevant cards from The Mardu Horde wedge and notes which to keep an eye on.
Danny Brown scours the spoilers from Khans of Tarkir for Modern playables. So far only a few are jumping out, but they may well make their impact felt.
With less than half of Khans of Tarkir spoiled, the future of Standard is starting to shape up and the key players have potentially already made their appearance. This week Ryan continues to flesh out the format and identifies currently legal cards you should have in your collection.
Sylvain gives us an update on the price of M15 rares and gets ready to follow his investing strategy. He also offers his thoughts on Goblin Rabblemaster, the most expensive M15 rare so far.
Khans of Tarkir is generating a lot of hype for the fall. Some cards are on the move based on this anticipated hype. This week Sigmund looks at the recent movers and outlines his suggested strategy based on these new prices.
Khans spoilers have started to roll in, and Mike Lanigan is starting to brew in the new Standard. He considers a couple well-positioned decks which are set to acquire some new tools.
Corbin Hosler concludes his article on pickups for rotation this Fall leading into Khans of Tarkir. He explains what he’s targeting from Theros and the reasoning behind his choices.
With Modern season coming to a close, Ryan looks to the next steps in seasonality. If you’re looking to have your collection primed for playing in a post-rotation Standard, check out the list of cards that Ryan recommends having on deck.
As we head into rotation, Danny Brown highlights a few recommended pickups and observes how bulk rares are behaving differently this year.