Rotation is right around the corner, and it’s time to begin thinking about what to pick up. Corbin Hosler begins his review this week with Return to Ravnica block and M14.
Sylvan Primordial
David Schumann covers the juiciest RTR cards to target at rotation this year. These cards will be dropping like stones, and unlikely to be on most players’ minds.
Some low-ticket Standard rares shine in Commander (and appreciate as a result) but not all. David Schumann describes some key characteristics of the format’s staples.
David Schumann examines some specs from the past that failed to pan out, asking why they failed and what to avoid in the future.
Jason Alt examines the paltry impact of Born of the Gods on every format ever, asks what cards just might make it anyway, and covers SCG Nashville.
Today Mike Lanigan brews with the new god, Xenagos. Read on to see what he comes up with.
Mike Lanigan discusses the development of his own bulk box before taking a look at the newest Standard decks to hit the metagame.
Jason Alt discusses his tendency to plagiarize himself, the consequences of issuing orders, and the recent decklists from around the world.
Today Mike Lanigan discusses the hottest mechanic coming off of the PT, which has only begun to affect the Standard metagame: devotion.
David Schumann outlines his current speculative holdings and the reasoning behind them. Part one is this week and part two is next week.