

The London mulligan has been with us now for four months, and players are speaking up on what they think of it. As a lover of the London mulligan and of mulligans in general, I’ve followed this topic with particular interest. One piece that recently caught my attention was Zvi Mowshowitz’s article “Ban the London […]

Editor’s note: from Humans to Ironworks to Arclight Phoenix, 2018 saw Modern’s power level rise dramatically. This year, deckbuilders learned to balance tension in their brews to devastating effect. Today’s article is a re-run of what I consider my most relevant article to that metagame development. Happy holidays! The Modern community is ruthless in its […]

The Modern community is ruthless in its dismissal of new decks. When one hits the scene (and one frequently does), pundits invariably point out instances of tension on paper: these cards can’t possibly work together, the sentiment goes. And yet, the deck placed high enough to draw that attention in the first place. Tension is […]

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