Francesco tackles Kamigawa, a block heavily linked to Japanese culture and folklore, discussing new creatures and crossovers.
Tamiyo Collector of Tales
Beardy shows you how to purchase piles of cards for very little money and some of the major advantages of collection buying.
Spoiler season is about to begin…again! Between War of the Spark, Modern Horizons, and Core Set 2020, how does anyone have any money left to buy new Magic cards? Perhaps they don’t. This week Sig examines potential long-term implications of these competing set releases.
David takes a good look at the upcoming War of the Spark Standard, and cards that could synergize well with Feather, the Redeemed.
The Mythic Invitational this weekend will be the first debut of official War of the Spark spoilers! Be sure to check back with Quiet Speculation as the info rolls in.