While the data is clear, the reasons behind Modern’s metagame trends remains elusive. David E. has a finger on the deck driving the changes, and how to respond.
Tasha’s Hideous Laughter
Now that Oathbreaker is an official format, what are the hot cards? What specs should we look for? David S. shares six cards he has on his radar.
Continuing the celebration of Magic’s 30th Anniversary, Tony wraps up his 30 favorite cards from 30 years, including a cycling creature and an infamous land.
In the spirit of Magic’s 30th Anniversary and nostalgia, Tony is sharing 30 of his favorite cards from each of his past 30 years of playing the game.
Yorion, Sky Nomad has been banned in Modern. David E. breaks down the implications of this ban, which stands to change Modern without changing the metagame.
QS is excited to welcome Adam Cohen to the team. This week he shares his top 10 new cards introduced in 2021 and how they’ve impacted the Modern format.
I’m in an unusual position this spoiler season. Two weeks ago, barely anything had been spoiled; today, the whole set is not only spoiled, but available online. Such are the breaks when spoiler season happens over the first week of a new month. As such, this will be a different kind of spoiler article. I […]
Adventures in the Forgotten Realms spoiler season is here and the Quiet Speculation team is hyped for this Dungeons and Dragons crossover set! Joe takes a look at the highlights from each day of spoilers and helps you prepare for release day.