What cards are still in print yet are currently rarer than Alpha rares? This week Sig examines the unprecedented set of Mystery Booster playtest cards, highlighting pricing inconsistencies and trying to predict the future market for these casual favorites.
While the stock market breaks records, many components of the Magic market are well off of their highs. This has created some real buying opportunities. This week Sig shares some of his favorite pick-ups as well as where to buy them at the best price.
The glorious days of ABUGames trade credit arbitrage are over! Or are they? While ABUGames has been making significant changes to their grading system and pricing, there may still be deals out there if you know how to avoid the pitfalls.
Selling cards on social media has its advantages. But it can also be a bit of a nuisance, which is why Sig often prefers shipping to buylists. This week Sig shares four tips to make buying and selling peer-to-peer a smoother process.
Differentiator – one that shows a contrasting element that distinguishes. What sets your store apart from everyone else? David offers his insights.
Jeremy makes his QS debut, outlining three missteps many players make when increasing collection value is the goal.
Two readers had valid questions about Sig’s ABUGames arbitrage article from last week. They inspired Sig to do a follow-up piece, where he talks about shipping costs and the brutally honest truth about motivations.
Sig is planning on attending a Magic Fest next month, where he hopes to sell cards to vendors. But one can’t just jump in blindly and expect to maximize value. This week Sig shares three helpful tips to help you prepare for selling to vendors.
Commander 2019 has offered incredible speculation opportunities, and Adam shares how he made the most of them – and the mistakes he made along the way.
It’s a well-known fact that every speculation target carries an associated risk, and sometimes it’s better to hold off on a purchase because of it. David gives his perspective on buying, selling, and how the QS Insider Community can be an invaluable asset in your arsenal.
Sometimes a quick flip doesn’t go exactly as Sig plans. In these cases, he follows a strategy to sell these failed specs to maintain liquidity. This week Sig shares his strategies and why he’s often the eager seller.
This week, David takes us through some of the finer points of selling a large collection, and what you as a seller should know before approaching a buyer.