Join Sam on his deep dive to get the best bang for your buck on the tournament floor! A few simple tips make grinding much easier on your wallet.
Teferi Hero of Dominaria
It’s been a while since Sig studied pricing trends on new sets. But a few recent observations have caught his attention. This week Sig shares these trends as he learns about the new normal that is Standard MTG finance.
Ice Age isn’t exactly known for its endless value. Just because there are no $100 cards in the set doesn’t mean its terrible to pick through. This week Sig shares his appreciation for Ice Age and highlights why its bulk may be worth more than it seems.
With Mythic Championship II in the books, Chris takes a look at the decks that benefited from the London Mulligan, and their key cards he’s considering as specs.
The Mythic Invitational this weekend will be the first debut of official War of the Spark spoilers! Be sure to check back with Quiet Speculation as the info rolls in.
Chris is back today to break down the Challenger Decks and how they will impact card prices, especially surrounding rotation.
With the release of Modern Horizons looming, Wizards announced no changes to the Banned & Restricted list. Christopher looks at the cards that stand to gain right now.
As of Sunday morning, prices really hadn’t reacted to MC Cleveland at all. Is Standard speculation dead? This week Sig investigates, offering some alternate options to park your Magic money.
Chris revisits one of the more powerful sets of recent memory. What’s worth investing in moving forward?
David gets into the details of what changed in Ravnica Allegiance Mythic Edition fromGuilds of Ravnica Mythic Edition. How should financiers view these sets moving forward?
Eddie preordered a good amount of cards from Ravnica Allegiance. Find out why this time is a bit different than other sets. He also makes some bold predictions.