Mike Hawthorne begins his upcoming weekly Legacy-focused Insider series by introducing himself and responding to the most recent tournament results, noting which cards deserve speculative attention.
Old-fashioned, creature-based card advantage. Let Robert take you through a Mayael deck that’s packed to the brim with it!
Carlos loves to build decks, including those of five colors. Join him this week, defending the multicolor player in us all, and aiming for spot between casual and competitive with a Polymorph deck. Check it out!
Kyle Kloster offers us a brief report on how he earned 2nd place at the recent StarCityGames Legacy open event, a look at Reanimator’s appeal and optimal play, and suggestions for optimizing the deck.
Today we’ll begin a thorough dissection of Magic’s five colors, perfect for newcomers and a refreshing review for veterans. After exploring the Color Wheel, we’ll move onto the series’ first installment. You’ll find all the Green cards you can expect to see in Legacy alongside decklists galore.
In a singleton format, why does everyone’s deck look the same? This HAS to be fixed.
Usman’s farewell article shares why he believes there’s more to cubing than just optimization and winning.
What makes Jay boil and fume? What else would you expect with this title?
In the fifth part of his ongoing series, Usman gives us a SWOT on green in cubes!