
Tezzeret the Seeker

Each week, one of the QS founders recaps what went on behind the paywall, summarizing each of the dozen or so articles Insiders get to read each week and nominating a favorite. It’s a great way to get caught up on your reading if you’re an insider or see what you’re missing if you’re not!

Speculation and market investment in Magic is in its Golden Era right now. We have access to information at a speed that we never had before in Magic. If you’re spying for new tech, you don’t have to wait for a tournament report on the Dojo or read about it a month later in Inquest – you can hustle over to GGSlive and watch Kibler cast Huntmaster of the Fells in real-time. This article is about Magic speculation and price bubbles in what I am calling the “early modern” era.

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Quiet Speculation