Mike Lanigan does a box report on Modern Masters 2015, opening several boxes of sealed product to estimate the value you can expect to get.
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Modern Masters 2015 is upon us, and Mike Lanigan is ready with some advice on the draft format and finance side alike.
The full MM2 spoiler list is out. How will the MTGO market be affected?
Modern Masters 2015 has been announced! With the announcement, we received information which could have a profound impact on MTG market. What sort of impact? Sigmund shares his initial thoughts on this momentous announcement.
Adam retells the many storylines of Grand Prix New Jersey. He also shares the top-performing decklists, reveals the secrets they hold, and explains their metagame position moving forward.
Ryan dissects his thoughts on the Legacy cards currently being overplayed and underplayed in the post-Khans environment.
Be prepared and get an edge on the opposition by reading Adam’s comprehensive Legacy metagame report! Find a thorough metagame analysis and updated decklists for all major archetypes within.
A lot of the power and consistency of Vintage comes from the availability of tutors. Scott discusses Oath of Druids and Tinker this week and discusses how the introduction of Dack Fayden has caused some reconsideration as to what the best targets are.
Adam shares his Modern metagame analysis and predictions, including what you should have prepared in your sideboard, just in time for Grand Prix Boston !
Sylvain unveils the groundwork to his recent MTGO portfolio management experiment. What did he do with thousands of tix?
How do you put a sideboard together that answers all of Modern’s metagame? By focusing on general answers, not specific bullets – and Adam shows you how with Green Urzatron today.
The Legacy metagame continues to turn in on itself and Ryan’s had enough of it. Just get ’em dead!
Tyler unveils his pet Food Chain/Misthollow Griffin deck and runs through all the neat interactions, including why it isn’t actually terrible.