Beardy talks about absurd decks that reduce the game to the lowest common denominator. Do these degenerate decks have value or should they be avoided?
The First Sliver
Modern Horizons 2 is scheduled to be released on June 18, 2021, and the Quiet Speculation team is hyped! Joe takes a look at the highlights from each day of spoilers and helps you prepare for release day.
Starms a-comin’ in. You know, Modern Horizons 2? As usual, though, Modern players aren’t content to just sit around and wait for the new cards. They’re as busy as ever creating, tuning, and tweaking new creations! Today, we’ll look at a couple of notable developments this month: the propagation of tech from UR Prowess and […]
Recently, Sig tried his luck on some Modern Horizons boosters. The set is filled with value and opportunity, right? Apparently not. After doing research, Sig was shocked at how bad the odds really were. Exactly WHAT is worth opening from that set?
Modern Horizons Flashback Drafts hit MTGO! Kyle reexamines the key cards Modern Horizons on MTGO, and a few sleeper hits with high upside.
Pioneer has been a boon for vendors and speculators alike. It has refreshed demand in Magic finance, catalyzing buyouts left and right. This has been at Modern’s expense, however. This week Sig examines one unloved Modern set to see if there are any interesting opportunities there.
MTG finance has been on the receiving end of some backlash recently after rampant buyouts catalyzed by Modern Horizons spoilers. But is it deserved? This week Sig examines this nefarious buyout behavior and explains how it could be harming the broader community.
Modern Horizons spoilers officially start May 19th. Be sure to check back with Quiet Speculation as the info rolls in!