Paul forces a Storm deck in this Cube Draft and ends up with something powerful. Is it good enough to 3-0?
the Mind Sculptor
Vintage Masters has already been a wild ride so far. As the spoilers roll in, what can you do to protect and grow your portfolio?
Paul tackles the most fun and skill testing format on MTGO, Cube Draft!
Dylan Beckham believes Loxodon Smiter is uniquely positioned in Modern right now. Read on for his new build of Jund sporting the elephant.
This week, David Schumann picks some Magic “penny stocks,” cards whose extremely low values may belie their real potential upside.
This week Sylvain provides an update of his portfolio, before discussing some exciting writing projects in the works!
Danny examines a broad range of Planeswalkers, looking for ones he thinks are currently underpriced and due for some growth.
We’ve received little information about Vintage Masters so far, but enough to generate some hypotheses. Matthew Lewis offers some specific predictions.
Vintage is coming to MTGO this summer by means of Vintage Masters. Sylvain Lehoux picks some Vintage staples that may rise as a result.
Ryan updates us on his search for a Vintage deck to play at his upcoming local event.
Redemption is a key part of the MTGO market, supporting the price of in-print cards while driving up others. Matthew details how to take advantage of this fact to reap consistent profits with little to no risk.
Jared Elick surveys the current value of several planeswalkers and predicts whether they’re on the rise or declining.
The Legacy metagame continues to turn in on itself and Ryan’s had enough of it. Just get ’em dead!