Ryan reports on his recent top 8 Modern PTQ placement and expounds upon Izzet’s place in the current meta.
For speculators, the new core set release is often a sign of good opportunity. Sylvain reviews what he thinks might be worth picking up in Theros block, Modern and Vintage during the upcoming M15 release events.
The best deck in Modern may have gained the most from M15. Two Reclamation Sages may not sound like much, but sometimes two cards is the difference between missing Top 8 and winning the tournament.
Scott Fielder recently took Storm out for a spin in a local Vintage tournament. He breaks down each match and highlights several interesting decision points.
Adam shares his Modern metagame analysis and predictions, including what you should have prepared in your sideboard, just in time for Grand Prix Boston !
Ryan explores the concept of greed and how it relates to some of Magic’s toughest decisions–when mulliganing makes sense and how building your manabase comes with gains and losses. When should you be greedy?
Zwischenzug’s last video on MTGO V3 is his first Vintage video. Watch Edric, Spymaster of Trest dominate a game featuring the most powerful cards in all of Magic.
Lately, Sigmund has been dwelling on the poor performance of Modern staples. This week he looks to other formats to observe their financial health and summarizes his current focus areas in MTG Finance.
Some competition can be destructive, which benefits no one in the end. Dylan Beckham makes the case for stores and speculators to work together to grow the game and market as a whole.
Adam goes over results from the first Magic Online Vintage Premier Event, noting a few interesting Vintage card choices.
This week Ryan follows up his previous article discussing Legacy Burn on MTGO with another Legacy list that has an edge against the most popular decks in the virtual field.
In this new chapter of his Nine Months of Portfolio Management, Sylvain discusses the poor decisions he made with Return to Ravnica block cards–the losing category of his portfolio–and explain what not to do with Standard positions.
Zwischenzug returns to his favorite archetype to try out some Japanese tech that Adam Yurchick recommended last week.