Jared shares with us the ways in which Modern FNMs can be beneficial to speculators.
Sigmund digs up some old data to round out a prediction for what Modern Masters could do to current prices. Based on his predictions, it may be wise to…
The Legacy metagame continues to turn in on itself and Ryan’s had enough of it. Just get ’em dead!
David Schumann overviews the major staples of the Legacy format, and discusses the likelihood of reprints and price changes for each.
Gatecrash is rapidly approaching, Modern season is here and a Legacy GP took place over the weekend. With so much buzz in Magic, it’s difficult to keep up on everything. This week Sigmund touches on some noteworthy trends in each format.
As many have predicted, Modern prices are spiking in anticipation of the impending PTQ season. After cashing out on old opportunities, Corbin discusses what to target next.
Modern season is in full swing, and with it comes some significant price peaks. Sigmund has decided to sell off some major staples this Modern season. In this article, he describes the psychology and rationale behind his decision.
Figuring out the correct way to react to recent announcements concerning Vintage on MODO can be daunting, bud Chad has your back with some ideas to get started in the right direction.
With the Standard metagame stabilizing, Sigmund turns his sights to Modern for the next opportunities. He looks ahead with an eye towards Modern Masters and the possible price implications.
Deathrite Shaman has already splashed down hard in Standard and even more so in Modern. This week Ryan crafts a BUG Legacy deck around the powerful one-drop, a list featuring some very interesting inclusions and omissions.
Grand Prix: Chicago was this past weekend and the format was Modern. How good for us! Modern moves a lot of card prices, even though it doesn’t get played that much. It’s the reason that Remand and Kitchen Finks are worth so much; why Path to Exile pushes $5. The PTQ season is coming up and Modern cards are going to be in demand for awhile. With continued WOTC support, with Modern Masters, with shocklands being reprinted, this format is coming together… if it can deal with Jund.
Chad reviews metagame changes in preparation for States.
Jason Alt reflects on facing loss in Magic with serenity and recaps some amusing occurrences from the prerelease festivities as reported by the internet.