Join Ryan as he riffs on the most powerful ways to attack a wide-open metagame, and highlights potential format all-stars he thinks aren’t seeing nearly enough play.
Jason follows up his discussion of Seance, shares some costumes of zealous Magic fans, and looks at results from the emerging RtR metagame.
This week is all about tech; it’s about the new developments in Standard and Eternal formats and how we can see some profit. We are gonna be all over.
Week two of Return to Ravnica’s Standard legality has seen many price changes yet again. Sigmund revisits some of the cards he discussed last week to identify how prices have responded, as well as where they may go next.
This week Ryan goes to work on his Junk list, choosing to recraft it around SCG Cincinnati standout Angel of Serenity. If you’re still searching for a deck for States this weekend, look no further.
Jason makes his case for the future glory of Seance before running down the results of Return to Ravnica’s first legal weekend.
Continuing his discussion of the new Ravnica Standard, Mike brings Zombies into the world of midrange and provides an updated Armada Wurm list.
Making sure he’s ready to face the Zombie Apocalypse that many of the game’s top minds predict is about to hit Standard, Ryan breaks down the functionality of his G/W/B brew card-by-card. Arm yourself now to hold back the hordes.
Corbin Hosler gives his financial predictions for Return to Ravnica and tells you what Mythic Rare he thinks is underpriced at the moment!
Mike brews up some possible shells for a sure-to-be contender in Standard’s near future, Armada Wurm.
Ryan is always optimistic when the format rotates. With Return to Ravnica looming on the horizon, Ryan relays some observations about the new Standard, including some calls on cards he expects to see play.
Matthew discusses how Return to Ravnica will impact short-term prices on MTGO and the resulting opportunities for speculators.
This week Jason muses on potential mana bases in the upcoming Standard environment and surveys the usual assortment of tournament top finishes.