
Through the Breach

Hello, Nexites, and welcome to a new edition of Deck of the Week. The recent Modern meta has continuously shifted from fair decks, to combo decks, to big-mana decks. It says a lot about the diversity of the format, regardless of how other people think about the Top 8 decks at Grand Prix Oklahoma. With […]

One of the most interesting trends that has emerged over the last few weeks in the Modern is the resurgence of combo-control. Several decks have seen success with an interactive shell that has some sort of a combo finish. Be it Living End suiting up with Cryptic Commands and Remands instead of its traditional creature-heavy […]

Hello, everyone! This week I’ll be exploring a relatively new archetype, UR Breach. It started appearing more frequently on Magic Online approximately two months ago when a 5-0 list by Gsy was posted. Since then, there have been intermittent 5-0s with some additional success in larger events. User CharLy was able to go 9-0 in […]

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